Here's everything You Need to Know
What can I expect if I book a home or online party?
A good time, obviously?!
What kind of question is that??
I am proud to offer parties tailored to your requests that will exceed your expectations! Storage, snacks, meals, and handy time savers are some of my favorite topics to cover. Cue the music, light the lights, and raise a glass to a truly fantastic time with your favorite Kitchen Supply Guy!
What areas do you serve?
Thanks to the magic of the world wide web, I can provide kitchen supply sales wherever you are located within Canada!
As far as my in-home parties go, I like to stick a little closer to my own dwelling in Southern Alberta, Canada. I can make a pretty good presence on Facebook, Zoom, or on the Phone, so don't be afraid to connect and ask. There's more than one way to soiree with me!
You're stuck on a stranded island and can only take one kitchen tool with you. What is it??
Ah ha! I bet you thought you could trick me into giving away my absolute favorite kitchen secret in the FAQ section. WRONG! The truth is .... I have more than one favorite! You're just going to have to get to know me to find out my top recommendations. Don't be shy! Let's connect.